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Products and services
Raise funds
Accepting payments
Loans and credits
For work

About the System

WebMoney Transfer is a global settlement system and environment for online business activities, established in 1998. Since then, over 45 million people from all over the world have joined the system.

WebMoney offers services which will allow you to keep track of your funds, attract funding, resolve disputes and make secure transactions.

The technology offered by WebMoney is based on a set of standardised interfaces, which system participants can use for managing their valuables property rights, kept safe by specialised companies known as Guarantors. System users can register any number of WM purses with any Guarantor. All purses belong to a single user are conveniently kept in a Keeper which is assigned to the user`s WMID registration number. Valuables within the system are measured in the WebMoney units (WM). To interact internally, all system participants are required to provide personal information verified by the Certification service.

Each system participant is automatically assigned with the internal system parameter available for public viewing, called Business Level, which is based upon the number of transactions exchanged with other system users.